What we can do for you:
- Organizational consultancy with lasting effect in Change Management issues.
- Reliable assistance in Team Development Processes.
- Trustworthy Coaching for managers and project directors.
- Entertaining, practice-oriented Training.
- Competent moderation and mediation.

- 6 years as worldwide change management facilitator at Robert Bosch GmbH
- 15 years Systemic coach and industrial mediator
- 25 years as outdoor trainer
- Working languages: German and English
Education and training:
- 2020 Training Zürich Resource Model ZRM®
- 2018: Lego® Serious Play® Facilitator (Certificate)
- 2016: Management 3.0 (Agile Leadership)
- 2015: Refresher Open Space, World Café, Dynamic Facilitation (9 Tage, Matthias zur Bonsen)
- 2005-2007: Systemic coach, organizational consultant and supervisor
- 2004: Industrial mediator (Certified by DGMW, The German Association for Mediation in Business)
- 2003: EFQM assessor (INQ) with international assessment experience
- 2003: Consultant for change processes (Synnecta, Karlsruhe Germany)
- 2002: Outdoor trainer for Outward Bound (Washington and Oregon, USA)
- 1996 – 2005: Professional training guide for high-mountain tours with the German National Alpine Club
- 2001: Study of Geosciences, degree as Geologist
Professional Experience
- 2009: Ralf Messbacher, Coaching & Organizational Consultant
- 2005: Robert Bosch GmbH, Diesel Systems, Stuttgart: Internal Consultant and Project Manager:
Introduction of Quality Circles in China, Korea, Japan, India, Brazil, U.S.A.; EFQM Assessments - 2003: Robert Bosch GmbH, Packaging Pharma, Crailsheim, Germany: CIP Coordinator:
Lean Manufacturing, BSC, Employee Questionnaires, Suggestions for Improvement, Workshops, EFQM - 2002: Outdoor Trainer for Outward Bound, U.S.A.
- 2001: Expeditionleader of the DAV-Expedition to Tirsuli II in the Indian Himalayans.
- Since 1995: Trainer in the German National Alpine Club,
Advanced training in soft and hard skills