Self: Evident!
Processes, Work Structures, Visions, goals: These only a few of the many points in a company where little changes can make a big difference. That's our job: to help make adjustments where they'll do the most good, and to open up people and structures for success.
Being there, having the right feeling for methods, acting flexibly, guiding with competence, putting life into processes: those are our strong points.
And: listening with empathy, working with respect for others, creating insightful and hard-hitting visions: that's our competence.
We are equally comfortable working in English or German.
We like one-on-one coaching just as much as we enjoy moderating large groups. Working out decisions for change and stabilizing resources are at the heart of our work.
Both as Systemic Coaches and Outdoor Trainers, we support the individual without losing sight of the group.
Our respect in dealing with others and our ability to establish personal contact with all kinds of target groups makes us stand out from the crowd.